Thank you for choosing to submit your paper to JDSSI. These instructions will ensure your article matches the journal’s requirements,so your article can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly. Please take the time to read and follow them as closely as possible.
Our topics include, but are not limited to:
Design Service and Society Innovation;
Sustainable Design;
Innovation in everyday life;
Design Cases Study;
Design and Consumer Culture;
Research on Design Theory;
Design History.
Submitting your manuscript
* The journal provides a waiver on article processing charges for all authors.
Research articles
Should be written with the following elements in the following order:
Title page
Main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion
Declaration of interest statement
Appendices (as appropriate)
Table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages)
Figure captions (as a list)
Should be over 8000 words, inclusive of:
Figure or table captions
Should contain an unstructured abstract of 150 words.
Should contain between 5 and 10 keywords.
Literature reviews
Should be written with the following elements in the following order:
Title page
Main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion
Declaration of interest statement
Appendices (as appropriate)
Table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages)
Figure captions (as a list)
Should be over 10000 words, inclusive of:
Figure or table captions
Should contain an unstructured abstract of 150 words.
Should contain between 5 and 10 keywords.
Types and requirement
Book reviews
Should be written with the following elements in the following order:
Title page
Main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion
Declaration of interest statement
Appendices (as appropriate)
Table(s) with caption(s) (on individual pages)
Figure captions (as a list)
Should be over 5000 words, inclusive of:
Figure or table captions
Title should include the title, author, publishing and location information for the publication or event being reviewed.
Read more manuscript requests at Instructions for authors.
General requirements
This is a double-blinded peer-review journal, and self-referencing that would give away the author's identity should be excluded. At the same time, the journal will exclude plagiarism through duplicate checking of articles, including generative content obtained through AI means. Any plagiarism that violates academic ethics will not be allowed, and the right to withdraw published articles are reserved. All submissions should meet the following requirements:
Title Page Document
1. File designation "Title Page";
2. Title and running head (short title);
3. Names, addresses, and positions of all authors plus email address for corresponding author;
4. Author Biography – 150 words maximum.
Main Document
1. File designation "Main Document – Anonymous"
2. Title
3. Article category
4. Highlights
5. Approximately 200-300 words abstract
6. Keywords (4-6)
7. Main body containing appropriate sections with the appropriate heading.
8. Declarations/Acknowledgements: indicate at the end of the text before references any conflict of interest. This includes ownership of shares, consultancy, speaker's honoraria or research grants from commercial companies or professional or governmental organisations with an interest in the topic of the article. If in doubt, disclose.
9. References
10. Appendices (as appropriate)
11. Tables – if appropriate, in tabulate text. Do not embed tables.
12. Figure legends – if appropriate, in a list following the references. (Figures must be uploaded additionally as individual graphic files. Do not embed figures).
Style guidelines
Please refer to these quick style guidelines when preparing your paper, rather than any published articles or a sample copy.
Please use the American spelling style consistently throughout your manuscript.
Please use double quotation marks, except where "a quotation is 'within' a quotation".
Please note that long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.
Papers may be submitted in Word format.
Please use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS) when preparing your paper. An EndNote output style is also available to assist you.
Electronic artwork
Margin Settings - Top: 2.5cm; Bottom: 1.9cm; Left: 1.27cm; Right: 1.27cm.
Text indent - Left: 4.6cm.
Use standard fonts such as:
Figure & Table name: 8p, Italic;
Heading1: 14p, Bold;
Heading2: 12p, Bold;
Heading3: 10p, Bold.
Article Title: 18p, Bold;
Text: 10p;
Abstract & Key Words: 9p;
Author Name: 10p, Bold;
Department, University, City, Country: 7p;
References Heading-14p, Bold;
References Text-9p.
* Click here to download the relevant fonts.
All fonts should be embedded in the image files. Any fonts that are not embedded will be replaced which can result in character loss or realignment. To embed fonts in a Microsoft Word document, simply click on File > Options > Save > Embed Fonts in the File. Keep the font size consistent throughout your work. Do not use effects such as outlining and shadows on any lettering.
Please supply image files in the highest resolution possible. Try to avoid large file sizes and remove any elements that are not intended for publication, including any excess space around the image. Make sure that the image files do not contain any layers or transparent objects.
For compatibility with our peer review systems, please submit electronic artwork files in one of our preferred formats:
1. EPS
2. PS
5. Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX only)
-Recommended image resolutions
300dpi (Color photographic images)
600dpi (Grayscale photographic images, Combination images, photographs and labelling)
1200dpi (Line art or monochrome images )
Do not include captions and figure titles with your image files. Supply these separately as part of the file containing the complete text of your manuscript and make sure that you number them correspondingly.
Captions should be succinct but descriptive. Please make sure you include the necessary credit line or acknowledgements if you have been given permission to use the image. If the image is the property of the author, you should also acknowledge this in the caption.
File naming conventions
Please name artwork files as Figure 1, 2, 3… etc. according to the order they appear in the text. In multi-part figures, each part should be labelled [e.g. Figure 1(a), Figure 1(b)].
* The examples are as follows:

You must obtain the necessary permission to reuse third-party material in your article. The use of short extracts of text and some other types of material is usually permitted, on a limited basis, for the purposes of criticism and review without securing formal permission. If you wish to include any material (such as data, figures...) in your paper for which you do not hold copyright, and which is not covered by this informal agreement, you will need to obtain written permission from the copyright owner prior to submission.
Author details
All authors of a manuscript should include their full name and affiliation on the cover page of the manuscript. Where available, please also include ORCiDs and social media handles (Facebook, Twitter or LinkedIn). One author will need to be identified as the corresponding author, with their email address normally displayed in the article PDF (depending on the journal) and the online article. Authors’ affiliations are the affiliations where the research was conducted. If any of the named co-authors moves affiliation during the peer-review process, the new affiliation can be given as a footnote. Please note that no changes to affiliation can be made after your paper is accepted.
Funding details
Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows:
For single agency grants
This work was supported by the [Funding Agency] under Grant [number xxxx].
For multiple agency grants
This work was supported by the [Funding Agency #1] under Grant [number xxxx]; [Funding Agency #2] under Grant [number xxxx]; and [Funding Agency #3] under Grant [number xxxx].
Disclosure statement
This is to acknowledge any financial or non-financial interest that has arisen from the direct applications of your research. If there are no relevant competing interests to declare please state this within the article, for example: The authors report there are no competing interests to declare.
Biographical note
Please supply a short biographical note for each author. This could be adapted from your departmental website or academic networking profile and should be relatively brief (e.g. no more than 150 words).
Figures should be high quality (1200 dpi for line art, 600 dpi for grayscale and 300 dpi for colour, at the correct size). Figures should be supplied in one of our preferred file formats: EPS, PS, JPEG, TIFF, or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX) files are acceptable for figures that have been drawn in Word.
Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.
If you are submitting your manuscript as a Word document, please ensure that equations are editable.
Please use SI units (non-italicized).
Cover letter
Before submitting, you need to write a cover letter. In your cover letter, you should include:
The affiliation and contact information of your corresponding author.
A brief explanation of why the work is appropriate for Journal of Design Service and Social Innovation.
The names and contact information of any reviewers you consider suitable.
The names of any referees you would like excluded from reviewing.
Open access
You have the option to publish open access in this journal via our Open Select publishing program. Publishing open access means that your article will be free to access online immediately on publication, increasing the visibility, readership and impact of your research.
Peer review policy
All manuscripts to the journal are subject to peer review. Papers that are outside the scope of the journal, that do not comply with the guidelines below or are otherwise judged to be unsuitable by the editor will be rejected without peer review. Appropriate papers are sent to at least two independent referees for evaluation. Authors are encouraged to suggest reviewers of international standing. Referees advise on the originality and merit of the paper; the editors decide on publication.
The journal operates double-anonymized peer review, meaning that the authors’ identities are hidden from reviewers, and the reviewers’ identities are hidden from authors. The Editors have oversight of the reviewers’ and the authors’ names.
Journal submission email: (Chinese mainland) |
Submission process
After you send your submission email, you will go through the following process:
The clock starts when the manuscript is received by Editorial Office.
Internal Checks (3 days)
Editorial Office Checklist (There will be the following two conditions.)
A. The check is passed, the external review experts are identified and submitted for external review.
B. The check does not pass, which may be due to formatting errors, major problems with English writing, not meeting the goals and scope of the journal, etc. (The article can be resubmitted after revision)
Peer Review
1. peer review (7-10days)
Review comments are returned to the editor
2. Evaluating Recommendation (3 days)
Editor evaluates reviewer comments and sends them to authors
A. Minor revision(7-10days)
There are no major problems with the article in general, but the details are slightly modified.
B. Major revision (more than 10days)
The article is heavily altered and the author may choose to drop it
3. Revision Submitted to Journal
The author revises the article as required and resubmits it to the editor
4. Final Result (3 days)
There will be the following two conditions: Accepted or Reject
Formal Acceptance and Publication(7 days)
The author signs to confirm the copyright and thesis contribution statement, and the assistant editor completes the proof, until the official online publication.

* In general, the time between submission and official online publication may be within 40 working days (paper version is printed quarterly)
Publication charges
There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
Authors who are non-native English speakers and publish articles in MSPL journals require an editorial certificate.
Our journal publication does not require any payment, but non-native English authors need to provide proof that the entire paper has been language polished.