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ISSN: 2959-0078(Print), 2959-0086(Online)

Frequency: Quarterly

Editorial Committee

Open Access

Journal of Design Service and Social Innovation (JDSSI) is an international academic journal published by MSPLJDSSI implements peer-reviewed, open access policy for original articles, and published four times a year (quarterly) in both print and online formats. All articles in JDSSI are under the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY-NC-ND, version 4.0). Copyright for each article belongs to its author(s) and is published by Michelangelo-scholar Publish Ltd.

JDSSI covers the fields of design service, social innovation, and design culture, and is an academic platform dedicated to the study of design issues and the exploration of social innovation service approaches. JDSSI aims to share innovative design ideas and solutions, explore issues such as sustainable design and consumer services and promote design for harmonious social development and multicultural exchange, with a particular focus on the dissemination of design theories and ideas between East and West across cultures. It hopes to promote the development of design and culture between East and West, and strives to be in the leading position in this fieldResearchers from different fields are welcome to submit manuscripts.

Vol 2, 2024

Keywords: Illustration; Tea packaging; The Ancient Tea-Horse Road; Ya’an Tibetan Tea
Open Access
Research Article

Siqi Lin,  Yu-Lin Hsu *



Application of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road Illustrations in Ya’an Tibetan Tea Packaging

JDSSI 2024, 2(1), 16-36; - March 30, 2024

Abstract: This study explores the modernization of tea packaging, departing from traditional landscape-themed illustrations to resonate with younger consumers. With a focus on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road theme and Ya’an Tibetan tea, various methodologies are employed: Literature Review: Illustration styles are analyzed across historical periods to inform modern design choices. Case Analysis: Existing tea packaging designs, particularly those targeting young consumers, and integrating elements of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, are examined. Field Research: The historical and cultural significance of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road are investigated. Design Implementation: Computer software blended hand-drawn images with modern images. By infusing the essence of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road into Ya’an Tibetan tea packaging through modern illustrations, this study aims to create a visually appealing product that bridges tradition with contemporary aesthetics. This approach revitalizes traditional themes, enhancing product distinctiveness and market competitiveness.

Keywords: India; Design education; Innovation; Effective Utilization; National Prosperity
Open Access
Research Article


Reforming Design Education in India: Towards its Effective Utilization for National Prosperity

JDSSI 2024, 2(2), 1-8; - June 3, 2024

Shashank Mehta *



Abstract: Design education is today fundamental to national prosperity. It is now considered a critical element of innovation strategy. Design education in India has witnessed exponential growth over the last fifteen years. The country’s young population is now open to exploring alternate careers and design has today emerged as a much-needed option for them. From only a handful of design institutes in the country until about 2004, many new design institutes have been created in the last one and a half decades. This trend is expected to continue. As design education expands in the country, efficiencies will have to be developed and maintained to uphold standards of quality. A variety of different programs with many variables involved - institutional approaches, curriculum, area of specialization, student-faculty ratio, graduate profile, etc. creates a sense of confusion among all its stakeholders. Over and above these, there is now a growing sense of dissatisfaction among industry about the skills and capabilities of the upcoming graduates of these design schools. The curriculum needs to be revised and updated to meet the expectations of the new-age digital and innovation economy. There is an urgent need to develop a broad framework and guidelines for design education in the country. Reforming and reinforcing design education would be the right beginning for India to maximize the benefits of design.

Keywords: Asset-based design; Mobile app; Decolonizing HCI; Afro-Colombian ancestral medicine
Open Access
Research Article


HCI Pluriversal Framework for Ancestral Medicine App in Bogota: Asset-Based Design Case Study

JDSSI 2024, 2(1), 37-56; - April 26, 2024

Daisy Yoo        ,

Caroline Hummels


Laura Niño Cáceres       * ,


Abstract: COVID-19 accelerated digital healthcare technology usage in many countries, such as Colombia, whose digital healthcare vision and projects are proof of this. However, with a significant cultural indigenous and Afro-Colombian heritage, only some parts of the country are willing to follow the proposed digital Western approach to health. Our paper presents the national healthcare system’s digital narrative, which we contrast with the micro-narrative of an Afro-Colombian ethnomedicine unit in Bogota called Kilombo Yumma. This ethnomedical unit is building its mobile app to safeguard and represent its ancestral medicine practices in local and national healthcare information systems. Kilombo Yumma is keen on promoting their beliefs and practices, which have been passed on through oral traditions and currently exist in the hands of a few elderly. We unraveled their ambition, core beliefs, and practices through asset-based design. These assets outlined pluriversal and decolonizing forms of digital healthcare to increase social justice and connect Western and ancestral medicine digital opportunities through HCI.

The JDSSI is an academic design journal founded in February 2023, and distributes high-quality, original research and operates worldwide academic journals with peer-review and open access (print and online simultaneous publication quarterly).

Thematic research articles, literature review, and book reviews are the three types of original articles accepted by the journal. Among the subjects addressed are design service and assessment, social innovation theory and practice, and design as a driving strategy for social and cultural construction. It intends to devote itself to the debate of multifaceted design problems and the value of social innovation through the sharing of innovative design ideas and solutions. 

Submit your manuscript:

See Instructions for authors for manuscript requirements. 

February 22th, 2024

Call for papers



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FAX: 00852-36197558

Abstract: This study explores the modernization of tea packaging, departing from traditional landscape-themed illustrations to resonate with younger consumers. With a focus on the Ancient Tea-Horse Road theme and Ya’an Tibetan tea, various methodologies are employed: Literature Review: Illustration styles are analyzed across historical periods to inform modern design choices. Case Analysis: Existing tea packaging designs, particularly those targeting young consumers, and integrating elements of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road, are examined. Field Research: The historical and cultural significance of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road are investigated. Design Implementation: Computer software blended hand-drawn images with modern images. By infusing the essence of the Ancient Tea-Horse Road into Ya’an Tibetan tea packaging through modern illustrations, this study aims to create a visually appealing product that bridges tradition with contemporary aesthetics. This approach revitalizes traditional themes, enhancing product distinctiveness and market competitiveness.

Keywords: Generative Adversarial Networks; Architecture design; Deep learning; Intelligent buildings; Design methods

Yang Xu,  Qingnan Li,  Xianmeng Zhao,  Dake Liu,

Nanqiao Shi        *


Open Access
Research Article


The Applications of Generative Adversarial Networks in Architecture Design: A Systematic Review

JDSSI 2024, 2(1), 1-15; - January 30, 2024