M-Scholar Publish Limited
MICHELANGELO SCHOLAR PUBLISH LIMITED (MSPL) is registered in Hong Kong. It is a open access(OA)academic publishing platform for designers and related researchers. It mainly engaged in the publication of international journals in English and cultural exchange, dedicated to design, architecture and art research, and striving to achieve global leadership in the field. MSPL's subordinate journals now include the following three: the Journal of Design Service and Social Innovation (JDSSI), the Journal of Architecture and Urban Design (JAUD), and the Journal of Ancient Chinese Arts and crafts (JACAC), which reflect the latest research in their fields, and are accessible worldwide in print and online. In addition, all papers of three journals published by MSPL have no Article Processing Charges (APC).
Open Access Policy
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Research and Publication Ethics
This page serves as a public statement regarding the retraction of a scholarly journal paper under MSPL.
When you see this page, it indicates that the article you are viewing has been retracted.
It is important to note that the retraction of our scholarly journal papers is primarily due to the identification of academic misconduct and ethical concerns associated with the paper. Therefore, this paper is no longer considered belonging to the journal of MSPL.
Editorial Process
All journals affiliated with the publishing house must undergo anonymous peer review by 2-3 experts before officially accepting and publishing each paper. We believe that peer review may not objectively reflect the value and issues of the submitted paper, but it can serve as an important step for acceptance in the academic field. We believe that feedback and evaluation from peer review experts on paper issues can provide useful references for journal decision-making.
Contact us
You will see MSPL on X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/YOUTOO2022.
If you have any question, please contact us.
MSPL: m.scholar2023@gmail.com; mspl-editor@michelangelo-scholar.com
JDSSI: jdssi.editorialmanager03@gmail.com; jdssi-editor@michelangelo-scholar.com
JACAC: jaca.editorialmanager01@gmail.com; jacac-editor@michelangelo-scholar.com
JAUD: jaud.editorialmanager02@gmail.com