Open Access Policy

All articles published by MSPL are made immediately available worldwide under an open access license. This means:
• Everyone has free and unlimited access to the full text of all articles published in MSPL journals;
• Everyone is free to reuse the published material if proper accreditation/citation of the original publication is given and it complies with the requirements of MSPL's permission.

No special permission is needed to reuse all or part of an article published by MSPL, including figures and tables. If an article is published under an open access Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercialNoDerivs 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND, version 4.0) license, any part of the article can be reused without permission, as long as the original article is clearly cited. Reuse is limited to non-commercial purposes and does not allow for any modifications, distribution, or reproduction in any medium.

Meaning of Open Access
In accordance with major definitions of open access in scientific literature (namely the Budapest, Berlin, and Bethesda declarations), MSPL defines open access by the following conditions:
• Every peer-reviewed article is freely available without subscription (online) or price barriers;
There is no bias against any author in terms of age, gender, race, professional identity, or religious beliefs, and all published articles can be immediately downloaded on journal websites (no embargo period);
• Published articles can be reused without permission, but only for non-commercial purposes and without any modifications, distribution, or reproduction in any medium, as long as a correct citation to the original publication is given.

Important Note: The submitted article may contain charts, tables, or text taken from other publications. In this regard, MSPL requires the author to provide the copyright or relicensing rights of the materials. We suggest that the author should contact the original copyright holder of the materials (such as the original publisher or author) to obtain a usage authorization that meets academic requirements.

Advantages of Open Access for Authors
The High Availability and Visibility of our open access articles are guaranteed through the free and unlimited accessibility of the publication over the Internet. Everyone can freely access and download the full text of all articles published with MSPL:

• Our high availability and visibility of open access articles are ensured through free and unrestricted access to the publication on the internet;
• There are no barriers or obstacles to accessing files in any form, allowing researchers to freely access and download articles;
• High publicity and usability may increase the citation rate of researchers.

Publishing articles in open access journals has a relatively short time cycle, which can promote the continuous updating of cutting-edge information in academic research.