PhD|Professor, Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Chinese Mainland.

Research Interests: Chinese and foreign clothing culture, Chinese and foreign design theory, cross-cultural communication, and archaeological research of textile and clothing along the Silk Road.

Deputy Editor-in-Chief of CSSCI journal "Art Design Research"; PhD from Tsinghua University; Jointly trained PhD from the University of California, Berkeley, USA; Visiting scholar and special lecturer at London College of Fashion, UK; Vice President of China National Society for the Promotion of Arts and Culture and Art Development Promotion Association; Expert in the Ministry of Culture and Tourism of the People’s Republic of China; Review Expert of China National Arts Fund; Expert in China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center; Member of the China Arts and Crafts Association; Member of the China Fashion Association; Editor of CSCD journal "Journal of Clothing"; Doctoral supervisor of art at Communication University of China.

Khairul Azhar Bin Mat Sulaiman

Committee Members

Priscilla Chueng-Nainby

PhD|Senior LecturerNational University of Malaysia, Malaysia.

Research Interests: Architecture and Landscape Architecture

Lecturer in the Department of Architecture and the Built Environment who has a deep interest in research related to Building Thermal Performance, Thermal Comfort and Building Energy Efficiency. Passive Design Applications, especially Vertical Greening Systems (Green Facade, Green Wall) and Sun Shading Devices are the main focus of the research study. With an educational background that covers two main fields in built environment, Architecture and Landscape Architecture, the study is also conducted based on a combination of these fields.

PhD|Assistant Professor, Parsons School of Design, US.
Research Interests: Social and political dimensions of design, and on moral challenges posed by modern capitalism

Matthew Robb is an Assistant Professor of Design and Sociology, based in the School of Design Strategies at Parsons School of Design. His teaching and research focus on social and political dimensions of design, and on moral challenges posed by modern capitalism. Matthew has held several leadership positions within the School of Design Strategies, including service as Associate Director of the MS Strategic Design and Management (2020-2024) as the School’s Associate Dean (2013-2016), and Director, BBA in Strategic Design and Management (2009-2013). He was Executive Editor of the Journal of Design Strategies (2010-2021). Matthew holds a PhD in Philosophy from The New School for Social Research (2005).

Byoung-il Sun

PhD|Associate Professor, Jiangnan University, Chinese Mainland.

Research Interests: Sustainable Design, Social Innovation, Strategic Design and Service Design

Associate professor of the industrial design department, School of Design at Jiangnan University, and the director of DESIS lab. He did his PhD study in design at the Politecnico di Milano, jointly with MIT. Before that, he studied in Nanjing University of Science and Technology, Wuxi University of Light Industry and the Politecnico di Milano for his BEng, MA, and MDS in design fields. Currently, he is a member of the international coordination committee of DESIS network ( and co-coordinator of DESIS-China. He is also one of founders of China Design Research PhD Colloquium and China Service Design Education Forum. He was a visiting scholar of the ID department of TU/e (12/13) and an expert in the China Academy of Engineering major project “Innovation Design Development Strategy” (13/16).

His research interests focus on strategic design for sustainability, service design for social innovation, and innovation design. He has more than 40 peer-reviewed academic publications in international conferences and journals, and is a reviewer of several international design conferences and journals. His applied research fields include public service and active welfare, healthcare, mobility and equipment, cultural industry etc. He has strong industrial collaboration focusing on key competitiveness building by design innovation; the main partners include Sany, Media, Jialing, Philips, Atlas.copco, Changhong, Ingshi, Longfor, Idataway etc.

Editorial Committee

Wanli Wei

PhD|Professor, University of Plymouth, UK. 

Research Interests: issues of socio-cultural identity and urbanism (including community regeneration), as well as architectural pedagogy.

School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Plymouth; Architectural Humanities Research Association Steering Committee (2013-2020); Architectural Research European Network; Association Steering Group (2015-2020); Association of Architectural Educators (2010-2012); Charette Editorial Board (2012-2021).

Juiche Tu

PhD|Professor, Yunlin University of Science and Technology, TW.

Dean of the College of Design, Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan; Chairman of Graduate School of Design; Distinguished Professor of Graduate School of Design and Department of Creative Design; PhD in Industrial Education from the University of Tennessee in the U.S.; Specialties are industrial product design, green design, lifestyle design, cultural creative design and design education.

Miaosen Gong

PhD|Researcher, University of Edinburgh, UK.

Research Interests: Codesign research, particularly in collective creativity, design complexity, cross-cultural issues for design across interaction, products, and services.

Postgraduate advisor at the School of Informatics at the University of Edinburgh; workshop leader for digital media design at Edinburgh College of Art and TU Delft’s Design United Fellow.

Min Wang
PhD|Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University, Chinese Mainland.
Research Interests: Design History and Theory, Design Services and Social Innovation, Social Networks and Sustainable Design.
 Member of the Design Research Society (DRS). Actively committed to discussing topics such as the "Wicked problem" in design and the development of living environments. In addition, it advocates the promoting effect of design education on social progress and the healthy development of individuals, with more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in universities.

PhD|Professor, Ming Chuan University, TW. 

Ming Chuan University in Taiwan; Former president of the Taiwan Institute of Design; Judge of the iF Design Talent Award, a global design competition; Jury member of the design discipline of Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association; Jury member of the Taiwan Excellence Selection Committee; Inspector of the design discipline in Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan; Director of Humanities, Art and Design, Taiwan Teaching Practice Research Program; Editor of Taiwan's top design journal, Journal of Design (THCI/SCOPUS) ; Editorial Board Member of Journal of Engineering Design (SCIE), an internationally recognized academic journal; Editorial board member of Journal of Design Science (THCI), School of Design, Chung Yuan Christian University; Editorial board member of the Journal of Design Studies, College of Design, Yunlin University of Science and Technology.




Devyn Zhao

Managing Editor


Editorial Office

Matthew Robb
Yang Song
Mitamura Ariyoshi

PhD|Associate Professor, Kyoto University of the Arts, Japan.

Graduate School Arts Studies, Kyoto University of the Arts. He is the tenth generation in a line of Edo maki-e artists (lacquer artists who specialize in sprinkled gold techniques), so he was exposed to lacquer from a very young age. His family had him ingest the raw resin from an early age to develop immunity, and he made works of engraved lacquer (chinkin) when he was still in primary school. After graduating from Japanese high school, he studied in China at the Tsinghua University Academy of Arts & Design, where he focused on metal works, ceramics and Chinese language and crafts history. After obtaining his doctoral degree, he taught lacquer history in China before 2018, when he returned to Japan to focus on his career as an artist. Since then, he made many smaller and larger sized lacquer sculptures in the ‘dry lacquer’ technique and exhibited at several contemporary crafts exhibitions, including Nitten (Japan Fine Arts Exhibition), for which he received several awards. Whilst making his own works, he continues to do research and contribute to international exchange.

Now: Graduate School Arts Studies, Kyoto University of the Arts  


2021 Contemporary Crafts Exhibition Craft Art Award Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum / Contemporary Crafts Exhibition Tokyo Japan

2013 China Contemporary Arts and Crafts Exhibition award of excellence Nantong Central Art Museum Nantong China

2009 China International Contemporary Metal Art Exhibition Gold Awards THE CHINA MILLENNIUM MONUMENT Beijing China


2022 Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (Nitten) 2022 The National Art Center, Tokyo Tokyo Japan

2021 Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (Nitten) 2021 The National Art Center, Tokyo Tokyo Japan

2020 Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (Nitten) 2020 The National Art Center, Tokyo Tokyo Japan

2019 Japan Fine Arts Exhibition (Nitten) 2019 The National Art Center, Tokyo Tokyo Japan

Robert Brown

PhD|Professor, Namseoul University, Korea.

Research Interests: Visual Information Design

Namseoul University; President, Hongik Communication Design Forum, Korea (2011-2013); President, Korea Institute of Cultural Product & Design (Institute of Packaging Culture Design), Korea (2005-2009); Vice President, Visual Information Design Association of Korea (1990-2000); Permanent Director, Communication Design Association of Korea (1993-1998); Member of the jury of invited writers for the National Design Exhibition of Korea (1989); Member of the jury of invited writers for the design section of the Korea Art Fair (1997); Member of the Academic Evaluation Committee, Korea University Education Council (2001); CEO of META Community Group (2021); Board member of the Korea Art Association, Seoul (2010); Advisor of Visual Information Design Association of Korea (2022); President, Founder BIPB International Poster Art Biennale (2021).

Wardah Fatimah Mohammad Yusoff

PhD|Professor, National University of Malaysia, Malaysia.

Research Interests: Natural ventilation, sustainable and green building design, and thermal comfort.

Professor Wardah serves as the Chair of the Department of Architecture and Built Environment at the National University of Malaysia. Her expertise includes natural ventilation, sustainable and green building design, and thermal comfort. She has been involved in many research projects, as well as published many articles related to those areas. Her enthusiasm for sustainability has encouraged her to explore many new research related to sustainable built environment. She is also interested in software related to building energy and sustainability.

Eli Bartra

Special Declaration*

It's important to clarify that the geographical location information of the JDSSI Editorial Committee members aims to highlight the diverse global representation without conveying any political opinions or biases. The intention is to emphasize the broad geographical distribution of the committee rather than any political affiliations or perspectives. It's always beneficial to ensure transparency and understanding in such contexts.

PhD|ProfessorUniversidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Mexico.

Eli Bartra was born in Mexico, and received her Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM). She has been named a Distinguished Professor at the Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Xochimilco, Mexico City. 

A Cofounder and several times, Director of a Research Program on Women, and a Graduate Program on Feminist Studies at the UAM-X. National Researcher Emeritus, and author of the following books: Nudes and Naked Women in the Arts: Mexico and Beyond (Lenham: Lexington, 2022); Desnudo y arte (Bogotá: Desde Abajo, 2018, Mexico, UAM, 2021); Mujeres en el arte popular. De promesas, traiciones, monstruos y celebridades (Mexico City: UAM/Conaculta-Fonca, 2005), published in English as Women in Mexican Folk Art, (Cardiff: UWP, 2011); Feminism and Folk Art: Case Studies in Mexico, Japan, New Zealand, and Brazil, Lanham: Lexington Books/ Rowman & Littlefield, 2019. Frida Kahlo. Mujer, ideología y arte (Barcelona: Icaria, 3rd.ed. 2003). She is the editor of Crafting Gender. Women and Folk Art in Latin America and the Caribbean (Durham: Duke University Press, 2003), Debates en torno a una metodología feminista (Mexico City: UAM/Pueg, UNAM, 2 nd ed. 2002), and the coauthor of Feminismo en México, ayery hoy (Mexico City: UAM, 2000) and Feminismo en acción (Mexico City, UAM, 2021) among others. She has directed several special issues of journals, including Políticay Cultura of which she has been the Director. She has written more than one hundred and fifty articles and book chapters, and has been a visiting professor at several universities in Europe, the United States, Japan, Brazil, and New Zealand.

Editorial Committee

Min Wang

JDSSI Team's Commitment

Our team is deeply committed to fostering diversity of expertise in our editorial process. We recognize the value of diverse perspectives in scholarly research and strive to cultivate an environment that embraces interdisciplinary approaches.

Our commitment extends beyond mere acknowledgment of diverse fields; we actively seek to integrate methodologies and insights from various disciplines. This creates a rich intellectual ecosystem where innovative ideas can flourish and cross-pollinate across traditional academic boundaries.

Rigorous Selection Process

We have a rigorous selection process for our editorial board members, ensuring that only the qualified and forward-thinking experts are chosen. We evaluate candidates based on their expertise, research attitude, and ethical standards.

This multi-stage vetting includes assessment of publication history, peer recognition, and demonstrated commitment to interdisciplinary collaboration. We regularly review our board composition to maintain a balance of established authorities and emerging voices who bring fresh perspectives to our scholarly community.

Collaborative Philosophy

Our editorial committee operates on the principle that the most impactful research emerges from collaborative thinking. We facilitate ongoing dialogue between editors from different specializations to ensure comprehensive evaluation of submissions.

This collaborative approach allows us to identify groundbreaking work that might be overlooked in more traditionally siloed review processes. We pride ourselves on recognizing the potential of research that bridges multiple fields and addresses complex problems from multiple angles.

Avoiding the "Tunnel View"

Risks of Specialization

Narrow specialization can lead to a "tunnel view," where researchers are limited by their specific expertise and miss broader implications or alternative perspectives.

Importance of Perspectives

Broad perspectives are essential for well-rounded research. By integrating diverse viewpoints, we can avoid biases and develop more nuanced understandings of complex phenomena.

Holistic Research
The tunnel view limits specific expertise and misses broader implications, while holistic research integrates many viewpoints and avoids biases when developing understandings.