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Book reviews

"Book reviews" are articles accepted for publication in this journal but not yet published in a volume/issue. Articles are removed from the "Book reviews" list when they are published in a volume/issue. Latest articles are citable using the author(s), year of online publication, article title, journal and article DOI.

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Book Review
Keywords: Design research; Cross-disciplinary; Design theory; Method

JDSSI 20231(2), 39-42; https://doi.org/10.59528/ms.jdssi2023.1011br9 - October 11, 2023



Open Access

Kaixi Fan

Lates articles

"Latest articles" are articles accepted for publication in this journal but not yet published in a volume/issue. Articles are removed from the "Latest articles" list when they are published in a volume/issue. Latest articles are citable using the author(s), year of online publication, article title, journal and article DOI.