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Book reviews and Literature reviews

"Book reviews" are articles accepted for publication in this journal but not yet published in a volume/issue. Articles are removed from the "Book reviews" list when they are published in a volume/issue. The latest articles are citable using the author(s), year of online publication, article title, journal, and article DOI.

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Book Review
Keywords: Design research; Cross-disciplinary; Design theory; Method

JDSSI 20231(2), 39-42; https://doi.org/10.59528/ms.jdssi2023.1011br9 - October 11, 2023



Open Access

Kaixi Fan

Lates articles

"Latest articles" are articles accepted for publication in this journal but not yet published in a volume/issue. Articles are removed from the "Latest articles" list when they are published in a volume/issue. Latest articles are citable using the author(s), year of online publication, article title, journal and article DOI.
"Literature reviews" are articles accepted for publication in this journal but not yet published in a volume/issue. Articles are removed from the "Literature reviews" list when they are published in a volume/issue. The latest articles are citable using the author(s), year of online publication, article title, journal, and article DOI.