General requirements

This is a double-blinded peer review journal,self referencing that would give away the author's identity should be excluded. At the same time, the journal will exclude plagiarism through duplicate checking of papers, including generative content obtained through AI means. Any plagiarism that violates academic ethics will not be allowed, and the right to withdraw published papers is reserved. All submissions should be done here to the following:

Title Page Document

    1. File designation "Title Page";
    2. Title and running head (short title);
    3. Names, addresses, and positions of all authors plus email address for corresponding author;
    4. Author Biography – 150 words max.

Main Document

    1. File designation "Main Document – Anonymous"
    2. Title
    3. Article category
    4. Highlights
    5. Approximately 200-300 words abstract
    6. Keywords (4-6)
    7. Main body containing appropriate sections with the appropriate heading.
    8. Declarations/ Acknowledgements: indicate at the end of the text before references any conflict of interest. This includes ownership of shares, consultancy, speaker's honoraria or research grants from commercial companies or professional or governmental organisations with an interest in the topic of the paper. If in doubt, disclose.
    9. References
    10. Appendices (as appropriate)
    11. Tables – if appropriate, in tabulate text. Do not embed tables.
    12. Figure legends – if appropriate, in a list following the references. (Figures must be uploaded additionally as individual graphic files. Do not embed figures).