Style guidelines

Please refer to these quick style guidelines when preparing your paper, rather than any published articles or a sample copy.

Please use the American spelling style consistently throughout your manuscript.

Please use double quotation marks, except where ‘a quotation is “within” a quotation’.

Please note that long quotations should be indented without quotation marks.


Papers may be submitted in Word format. 


Please use the Chicago Manual of Style (CMOS)  when preparing your paper. An EndNote output style is also available to assist you.

Electronic artwork

    Margin Settings - Top: 2.5cm; Bottom: 1.9cm; Left: 1.27cm; Right: 1.27cm.
    Text indent - Left: 4.6cm.

   Use standard fonts such as: 
    Figure & Table name: 8p, Italic;
    Heading1: 14p, Bold;
    Heading2: 12p, Bold;
    Heading3: 10p, Bold.
    Article Title: 18p, Bold;
    Text: 10p;
    Abstract & Key Words: 9p;
    Author Name: 10p, Bold;
    Department, University, City, Country: 7p;
    References Heading-14p, Bold;
    References Text-9p.
    * Click here to download the relevant fonts.

All fonts should be embedded in the image files. Any fonts that are not embedded will be replaced which can result in character loss or realignment. To embed fonts in a Microsoft Word document, simply click on File > Options > Save > Embed Fonts in the File. Keep the font size consistent throughout your work. Do not use effects such as outlining and shadows on any lettering. 

Please supply image files in the highest resolution possible. Try to avoid large file sizes and remove any elements that are not intended for publication, including any excess space around the image. Make sure that the image files do not contain any layers or transparent objects.

For compatibility with our peer review systems, please submit electronic artwork files in one of our preferred formats: 
    1. EPS
    2. PS
    3. JPEG
    4. TIFF
    5. Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX only)

    -Recommended image resolutions
    300dpi (Color photographic images)
    600dpi (Grayscale photographic images, Combination images, photographs and labelling)
    1200dpi (Line art or monochrome images )

Do not include captions and figure titles with your image files. Supply these separately as part of the file containing the complete text of your manuscript and make sure that you number them correspondingly.
Captions should be succinct but descriptive. Please make sure you include the necessary credit line or acknowledgements if you have been given permission to use the image. If the image is the property of the author, you should also acknowledge this in the caption. 

File naming conventions
Please name artwork files as Figure 1, 2, 3… etc. according to the order they appear in the text. In multi-part figures, each part should be labelled [e.g. Figure 1(a), Figure 1(b)].

* The examples are as follows: