
About the Forum volunteers | Hong Kong・2024:International Forum on Design Service & Social Innovation
来源:MSPL | MSPL | 2024-06-20 | 221 (page views) | 分享到:

About the Forum volunteers

HONG KONG - 2024: The International Forum on Design Services and Social Innovation will be held in Hong Kong on August 27, with the participation of experts and researchers from various countries and regions. In order to ensure the smooth implementation of the Forum agenda and to guide and communicate with the participants, two Forum volunteers will be publicly recruited. The specific duties and conditions are as follows.

Main Tasks:

  1. Guest guidance

  2. Forum information service

The volunteer requirements:

  1. Only university students who are resident in Hong Kong

  2. Proficient in communicating in English and Cantonese

Salary treatment:Please email us for more information



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