
Forum Information | Hong Kong・2024:International Forum on Design Service & Social Innovation (Second Announcement)
来源:MSPL | MSPL | 2024-06-01 | 1150 (page views) | 分享到:

1. About the Forum

Design service and social innovation have become a driving force for promoting national and regional economic development. In the context of ever-changing new technologies, design must not only consider how to maintain sustainable economic growth but also attach importance to promoting social fairness and justice through design innovation. We believe that by creating a high-level international innovation forum, we can provide opportunities for people from different backgrounds to communicate and share.

The purpose of the forum is to bring together knowledge sharers from within and outside the design field, to promote interdisciplinary collaboration and knowledge exchange, and to explore the potential for change and interaction between design services and social innovation. The main themes of the forum will revolve around new methods and ways for design services and social innovation, covering topics such as design education, design thinking, and methodology. It should be noted that we are organizing the forum for non-profit purposes and hope that through the activities of the forum, we will create an interdisciplinary innovation platform where academics and industry practitioners can share research and practical knowledge and promote the international exchange of design research and practice.


2. Main Topics

Scope of submission

Including, but not limited to, the following topics: 1. Design service; 2. Innovative thinking; 3. Design education; 4. Design research; 5. Design science; 6. Design methods; 7. Design ethics; 8. Design criticism; 9. Design culture.

The Forum will include main-forum keynotes, sub-forum oral presentations, and poster exhibitions. Every accepted manuscript of the forum will be published free of charge in Journal of Design Service and Social Innovation after revision and a language touch-up certificate has been obtained. The journal ISSN: 2959-0078 (print), 2959-0086 (online).

Experts of the Forum

    Main-Forum (09.00-11.35 AM) 

    Forum Chairperson:

  •  09.00-09.15 AM Jui-che Tu (Phd, Professor, National Yunlin University of Science and Technology)

    Keynote Speakers:

  •  09.20-10.00 AM Hugh Dubberly Online (Design planner, Dubberly Design Office, Former Apple (AAPL) creative director, Guest Professor at University of California, Berkeley)  

  •  10.00-10.40 AM Hideichi Misono (Executive Advisor, Japan Industrial Design Association, Former Design Director, Toyota Motor Co., Guest Professor of Chiba University) 

  •  10.40-10.55 AM Tea Break*

  •  10.55-11.35 AM Byoung-il Sun (Phd, Professor, President & Founder of BIPB International Poster Art Biennale, Namseoul University)  


    Sub-Forum(13.00-17.00 PM) 

    Vice Chairperson:

  •  Wanli Wei (Phd, Professor, Ming Chuan University)

  •  Henry B.L. Duh (Phd, Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Vice Chairperson of the Forum)

    Panel Speakers :

  •  Benny Leong (Professor, Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Vice Chairperson of the Forum)

  •  Wardah Fatimah Mohammad Yusoff (Phd, Professor, National University of Malaysia)

  •  Wu Song (Phd, Professor, Hua qiao University)

  •  Janet LAU Man Ying (Senior Lecturer, Hong Kong Metropolitan University)

  •  Kuo-Hsun Wen (Phd, Professor, City University of Macau)

  •  Mohd Khairul Azhar Mat Sulaiman (Phd, Senior Lecturer, National University of Malaysia)

            (More detailed arrangements will be in the final version in August)

3. Important Dates

Deadline for abstract submission: July 15th, 2024 (250-300 words, feedback within 5 working days, registration form will be sent after approval)

Deadline for manuscript submission: August 10th, 2024

Paper review notification date: August 15th, 2024

Registration deadline: August 20th, 2024

Submission email:

Manuscript Requirements

The Forum only accepts manuscript in English, and the manuscript(at least 6,000 words) should have academic innovation or practical reference value and should not have been publicly published in any academic journals or conferences. All submitted manuscripts will be peer-reviewed. The manuscript must be submitted with Turnitin plagiarism report; the manuscript with high rates of plagiarism will not be accepted (less than 10% plagiarism and no key points copied).

4. Date and Location

Date: 27 – 28 August 2024

Location: Hong Kong (Hybrid Conference)


5. Cost of Attendance

[Early-bird ticket] (before July 15th) : 300 USD for individuals; 280 USD for groups (3 people or more)

[Standard ticket] (after July 15th) : 360 USD

[Conference only] (before July 15th) : 200 USD

[Conference only] (after July 15th) : 300 USD

Notes: Except for specially invited experts, the accommodation and transportation expenses of the participants during the forum will be borne by themselves. August 28th is a flexible time for the forum activities, depending on the actual number and arrangement of attendees. The specific arrangement of the forum is subject to the final version on August 10th.


Journals Information