About Michelangelo Scholar Publish Limited
MICHELANGELO SCHOLAR PUBLISH LIMITED (MSPL) was registered in Hong Kong on January 17th, 2023. MSPL is an Open Access(OA)academic publishing platform for designers and related researchers. MSPL is mainly engaged in the publication of international journals in English, is dedicated to design, architecture, and art research, and is striving to achieve global leadership in these fields. MSPL's subordinate journals now include the following three: the Journal of Design Service and Social Innovation (JDSSI), the Journal of Ancient Chinese Arts and Crafts (JACAC), and the Journal of Architecture and Urban Design (JAUD), which reflect the latest research in their fields and are accessible worldwide in print and online. In addition, MSPL provides a waiver on Article Processing Charges (APCs) for all authors.
MSPL will comply with the principles of transparency and best practice of academic publications established by organizations such as The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), DOAJ, the Open Access Scholarly Publishing Association (OASPA), and the World Association of Medical Editors (WAME). The transparency and best practice principles of academic publishing apply to all published content in MSPL journals, and the academic evaluation and publication procedures followed by the journals are transparently communicated.
MSPL is committed to the principle of open access and has a responsibility to promote the accessibility, diversity, fairness, and inclusivity of the journal articles on our website, thereby promoting social progress and cultural diversity. The editors of MSPL journals will also adhere to the basic principles of academic ethics and academic values first and will handle manuscripts based on academic standards and a neutral attitude. The editors will not be influenced by the source of the manuscript, including the nationality, ethnicity, political beliefs, race, or religion of the authors. MSPL is committed to building a digital scholarly community with a high reputation and equality. MSPL does not collaborate with any for-profit companies, in order to avoid the phenomenon of academic research being manipulated.
PhD|Professor, Yunlin University of Science and Technology
Dean of the College of Design, Yunlin University of Science and Technology in Taiwan; Chairman of Graduate School of Design; Distinguished Professor of Graduate School of Design and Department of Creative Design; PhD in Industrial Education from the University of Tennessee in the U.S.; Specialties are industrial product design, green design, lifestyle design, cultural creative design and design education.
Ming Chuan University in Taiwan; Former president of the Taiwan Institute of Design; Judge of the iF Design Talent Award, a global design competition; Jury member of the design discipline of Taiwan Assessment and Evaluation Association; Jury member of the Taiwan Excellence Selection Committee; Inspector of the design discipline in Higher Education Evaluation and Accreditation Council of Taiwan; Director of Humanities, Art and Design, Taiwan Teaching Practice Research Program; Editor of Taiwan's top design journal, Journal of Design (THCI/SCOPUS) ; Editorial Board Member of Journal of Engineering Design (SCIE), an internationally recognized academic journal; Editorial board member of Journal of Design Science (THCI), School of Design, Chung Yuan Christian University; Editorial board member of the Journal of Design Studies, College of Design, Yunlin University of Science and Technology.
PhD|Professor, School of Design, Jiangnan University.
Research Interests: Design History and Theory, Design Services and Social Innovation, Social Networks and Sustainable Design. Member of the Design Research Society (DRS). Actively committed to discussing topics such as the "Wicked problem" in design and the development of living environments. In addition, it advocates the promoting effect of design education on social progress and the healthy development of individuals, with more than 30 years of teaching and research experience in universities.
Scholarly Standing Committee